At the end of autumn, I was forced to empty out my entire walk-in closet due to some work that had to be done in the attic. Attic access is in our master bedroom closet and I did not want all of our clothes to get dusty or dirty from the debris falling from the attic. At first I was pretty upset about having to move all of my clothes out but then I decided this was a good opportunity to go through everything I own, piece by piece and do a thorough clean-out.
As I was sorting through everything, I realized I own a lot of sweaters. I have a weakness for cute sweaters and oftentimes can't resist buying them. I wear sweaters all winter long, usually paired with a pair of jeans. It has become my winter uniform. Since we have cool or cold weather for many months of the year, I get a lot of use out of most of my sweaters. I say most because as I was cleaning out the clothes and trying to decide what I keep and what goes, I noticed I had quite a few sweaters that I wasn't using at all. After giving it some thought, I put all of those sweaters in the "sell" category. The reason I wasn't wearing those sweaters was because of the fabric content. I have very sensitive skin and many fabrics irritate, scratch or itch and ultimately leave me feeling extremely uncomfortable. I also don't like sweaters that shed and leave fuzz everywhere. The fuzz and lint will drive me out of my mind after a while.

No matter how cute a sweater is and how much I love the look of it, if it isn't easily wearable, I just won't wear it. After letting go of all of those sweaters and making it a point to never buy them again, it was time to replace some of them with ones that don't irritate any of my senses. I was very excited to see a lot of adorable sweaters this season in cotton. It seems like there are fewer and fewer options these days in 100% natural fibers. J. Crew in particular had some really great styles. My favorites are the 1988 rollback sweater, a chunky mockneck that can be dressed up or down, and an oversized boxy fit mockneck that looks great with any style jeans. I also discovered a classic crewneck sweater, as well as a slimmer fitting cable knit turtleneck, from Lands End that are both timeless and will be forever favorites.

The cotton sweaters have been my absolute favorite this season. They are easy to wear and easy to wash. They feel comfortable against my skin all day, every day. I don't have to deal with itchy, irritated skin and I don't have fuzz flying off me as I go about my day. Below are some of the sweaters I mentioned in this post, as well as other lovely options that I discovered online from various retailers.